Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Common brown water snake

Late afternoon yesterday, I watched a svelte snake sleek from the pond. Internet search revealed it to be a nonvenomous common brown water snake (Lycodonomorphus rufulus).
Snake Institute of South African explains this “gentle, harmless snake is by far the most common water snake in southern Africa…found from Cape Town in the south, along the wet east coast of South Africa and inland as far as Gauteng, Lesotho, and Zimbabwe. Its natural habitat is water margins, where it shelters under leaves and logs. It emerges at night to hunt frogs and sometimes rodents... active at night and swims well… often seen hunting along shaded streams during the day…. a powerful constrictor and feeds on frogs, tadpoles, fish and occasionally nestling rodents.”
Hmmm, does it eat goldfish, too?