Saturday, April 11, 2020

Staying sane during lockdown

President Ramphosa extended lockdown due to pandemic thorough the end of April. This means I must redouble efforts to maintain sanity.
Carrying an old-style camera around the large garden helps. And patience. After waiting in the hot sun, flies buzzing around, for what felt like an hour for this crab to perform for a video clip, I gave up and shot stills.
Note to wildlife photographers: I salute your patience and dedication to the beauty of the natural world.

Research shows this damselfly is Africallagma sapphirinum, the sapphire bluet, a species in the family Coenagrionidae. Endemic to South Africa, its natural habitat is ponds and lakes with floating aquatic plants. Guess where I saw it? Yes, posed on a floating aquatic plant.
click to enlarge.
I'm impatient for the day this garden reveals some long-mourned endangered species. So far, while extraordinary, most of the critters I've stumbled upon have been of the "Common" variety.
(Visit Photo Album for more...)

Read Pandemic Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3